
品牌型號:Nintendo3DS處理器:Nintendo10480HARM圖像處理器:PICA200(DigitalMediaProfessionals)主螢幕:3.53吋800×240解像度1677萬色 ...,TheSoC,brandedastheNintendo10480H,containstheCPU,GPU,DSPandVRAM.Accordingtoofficialdocuments,theCPUusedisadual-core ...Specifications·SoC·SDIOcontroller·Images,Nintendo10480HARM.CPU,ARMARM1176JZ(F)-S268MHz(x2)andARMARM967MHz.GPU,DMPPICA200268MHz.MEMORY,128MBFCRAM,...

Nintendo 3DS 裸眼3D 立體攜帶型遊戲機 - BugWorkShop

品牌型號:Nintendo 3DS 處理器:Nintendo 1048 0H ARM 圖像處理器:PICA200 (Digital Media Professionals) 主螢幕:3.53吋 800×240解像度 1677萬色 ...


The SoC, branded as the Nintendo 1048 0H, contains the CPU, GPU, DSP and VRAM. According to official documents, the CPU used is a dual-core ... Specifications · SoC · SDIO controller · Images

Nintendo 3DS - 簡要規格

Nintendo 1048 0H ARM. CPU, ARM ARM1176JZ(F)-S 268MHz (x2) and ARM ARM9 67MHz. GPU, DMP PICA200 268MHz. MEMORY, 128MB FCRAM, 6MB VRAM and 2GB Flash. DISPLAY ...

Nintendo 3DS LL - 簡要規格

Nintendo 1048 0H ARM. CPU, ARM ARM1176JZ(F)-S 268MHz (x2) and ARM ARM9 67MHz. GPU, DMP PICA200 268MHz. MEMORY, 128MB FCRAM, 6MB VRAM and 2GB Flash. DISPLAY ...

Nintendo ARM (1048 0H) - General Gaming

#1 Guest_TRON_* · The ARM11 processor family · delivers a range of performance · from 350 MHz in small area · designs up to 1 GHz in speed.


基本資訊 · CPU∶Nintendo 1048 0H ARM(ARM1176JZ(F)-S) · 存儲器∶內建2 GB NAND快閃記憶體,可使用SD/SDHC/SDXC儲存卡擴充 · VRAM∶656KB · 畫面∶上螢幕:3.53吋 ...

Nintendo - WikiDevi.Wi

Nintendo 1446 17 CPU LGR A - CPU (ARM core): • Samsung ... KTR-001, RED-001, JAN-001. CPU (SoC), CPU CTR (1048 0H) CPU CTR (1214 32) ...

[情報] 歴代遊戲機的CPU・位元一覽

... 1048 0H 2011 PlayStation Vita SIE 32bit Cortex-A9(ARM製) 2012 ... Nintendo 2DS LL 任天堂32bit 不明資料來源: ...


Nintendo 1048 0H ARM(ARM1176JZ(F)-S), 133 MHz ARM9 and 33 MHz ARM7, 67 MHz ARM9and 33 MHz ARM7 · 圖形 · PICA200(日語:PICA200),由Digital Media ...


Nintendo 1048 0H ARM(ARM1176JZ(F)-S)(雙核), ARM11 MPCore 4x @ 268MHz. 圖形 · PICA200(日語:PICA200),由Digital Media Professionals(DMP ...